東工大の交換留学プログラムYSEP留学生のSamantha van Rijsさん(デルフト工科大学部学生)が9月より波多野岩崎研で一緒に研究しています。Read moreにてSamanthaさんの自己紹介をご覧いただけます。
I am a Bachelor Electrical Engineering exchange student from Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands. During this semester at Tokyo Tech, I worked on implementing most of the NV sensor readout system on an FPGA. The goal is to facilitate the diamond NV sensor readout in a compact package useful for in-vehicle battery monitoring and possibly magnetoencephalography systems. I am grateful for the lab for giving valuable guidance during this research semester and accepting me into the workplace with warmth. I enjoy my work greatly and I hope we can keep a lasting connection!
Samantha van Rijs